This is Rhea (aged 17), she is the waitress in my film noir and the one who is secretly in on the crime, helping Jack by hiding the gun which could prove as evidence. She is not the most revealed of characters, her face never actually being shown in the OTS. Her age does not hinder her performance as the waitress and her voice fits perfectly, calm yet confident. The photo of her to the left is showing what she is wearing in the OTS, a simple shirt and black skirt, a typical uniform of a waitress back in the 1950's ish. Rhea has studied drama for about 3-4 years as a main subject and even though I didn't cast her as my main femme fatale, she still makes a very professional and well acted actress.
This is Erin (aged 16), she plays my femme fatale and has no past in studying drama professionally or as a subject. I chose her as my main female role as she looked the part and could act, which are the main two things. Her character, unknowingly to her, is being conned and tricked by both Jack and Nik. Her outfit in this scene is very floaty and seductive, the cream colour emphasising her skin and body which she uses to entice men. Her body language is very open and confident in this photo but in the scene of the restaurante/bar she is very closed and close to herself as though she is scared or worried about something.
This is Jack (aged 17), he plays my Anti-Hero character and is the main role in the film, his power taking charge over the situation in the end of the OTS. Jack has been studying drama for about 4-5 years and performing arts for about 2 years and is very experienced in the drama and acting side of things. Jack worked perfect for the character, he portrayed the characters non-caring attitude coming across in this very quiet yet sinister man, a lot of mystery being projected from his personality. His appearance looked the part and very luckily Jack in real life has a really odd yet quirky yet individual wardrobe, and he had the perfect outfit for his character, which was an added bonus. I really like this photo as his pose is full of attitude, his stance strong and rooted, the contrasted wall being a nice backdrop to him.
This is Nik (aged 17), he plays my anti-heroes partner in crime, or I guess you could say he's a bit of a sidekick. Nick has been studying drama for about 4-5 years and has done about 2 years of performing arts so has a lot of drama knowledge under his belt. He assists Jack by sleeping with Erin to then give Jack a reason to shoot Erin (as Jack and Erin were a couple). They then meet up at the end which reveals that they were actually conning and tricking her. He plays his character well, giving this loving and affectionate way to Erin in the flashback, yet contradicting himself and secretly being one of the men who organised to kill her.
Also, as some research in to my two male actors, I watched them act in a play and watched them do some filming for a friend of mine, so I could get used to their acting techniques, to help me decide their script and even what kind of personality their character should have.
Also, as some research in to my two male actors, I watched them act in a play and watched them do some filming for a friend of mine, so I could get used to their acting techniques, to help me decide their script and even what kind of personality their character should have.
To know when two of my main cast were free from lessons and were able to film, I got their timetables off of them so it was easier to organise my time around them, beings as they were doing me a favour by filming. My other two friends who played the girls in the OTS had similar times off of school to me so it was easier to organise.